I'm Edwin!
I like to make games and music.
Latest video upload: i found myself drifting away
Posted one of my recent tracks up on Bandcamp. Should do this more often. Be bold! Check it out: Fall Haiku 2.
JAMuary is over! I completed one small music project each day. I focused on using and learning the Elektron Octatrack. It's a great instrument. Now that it's over, I have a few other tracks to finish and make videos for. For example, this song from December is now up: Byeeee, oh hi.
Happy JAMuary! I'm planning on posting one piece of music each day. I'm a bit late posting this log, and have already completed days 1 through 5!
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5.
Happy Holidays! Not much to say other than it's been a really nice and peaceful season. The food and the company have been warm. I've gained a bit of weight of course. Soon I'll be picking up an Elektron Octatrack MkII, looking forward to learning a new device, hopefully will be able to feature it in a Jamuary video!
It's Thanksgiving in the USA! Yesterday I had my first colonoscopy and endoscopy, which came out clear of cancers. A relief given recent events. Today I am traveling up to the SF Bay area. Should be a lot of fun.
Sadly, our family member died on November 7th. I am moving from my current location. I've only a few days left to complete my monthly songwriting challenge. Holidays coming up, will be travelling too. Lots of plates spinning at the moment!
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Other places to find me and my projects.
Note: I often use the pseudonym KhaoTom which is a Thai rice soup. It is one of my favorite foods!